*吾輩は猫である 〔1905 〜06〕 〈夏目漱石〉 五
▷ 吾輩はねこである 名前はベーコン
い-かん 【遺憾】 ヰ‥
▷ 公的な場で、釈明や不満の意を表すときにも用いる。
いかん 【遺憾】
[名] (a) regret
I regret [I'm sorry] to say that I cannot accept your invitation.
(Much) to my regret, I cannot accept your invitation.
[形] 遺憾な
● 遺憾な事
a matter for regret
It is regrettable [to be regretted, a matter for regret] that you have troubled many people.
I regret [feel regretful] that you have troubled many people.
He expressed his regret for the matter [at not being able to attend the meeting].
[副] 遺憾に
● 〜を誠に遺憾に思う
I deeply regret that 〜
Regrettably [Regretfully], crime is on the increase.